
Monday 12 May 2014

What kind of diet should older people consume?

What kind of diet should older people consume?

Adequate Nutrition and a well balanced diet are of vital importance in Old age so as to prevent and control the common hazards of Aging. Many factors like poor income, decreased mobility, social isolation and depression are known to affect the health and well being of the elderly. Under nutrition, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis have been identified as the most important and commonly prevalent nutrition related health problems in Old Age.
 As people grow older, they tend to become physiologically less active and therefore need fewer calories to maintain their weights. 

Pure ghee

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·       The daily intake of oil should not exceed 20 g.
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·       Use of ghee, butter, vanaspati and coconut oil should be avoided.

·       They need foods rich in protein such as pulses, toned milk, egg-white etc.

 The elderly population is prone to various nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, the elderly need nutrient-rich foods rich in calcium, micro-nutrients and fibre.
Apart from cereals and pulses, they need daily at least 200-300 ml of milk and milk products and 400 g of vegetables and fruits to provide fibre, micro-nutrients and antioxidants.
Inclusion of these items in the diet improves the quality of the diet and bowel function.

Flesh foods and eggs add to the quality of diet.
The diet needs to be well cooked, soft and less salty and spicy.
Small quantities of food should be consumed at more frequent intervals and adequate water should be consumed to avoid dehydration, hyponatraemia and constipation.


Exercise is an integral part of maintaining healthy life.

It helps to regulate body weight. The risk of degenerative diseases is considerably decreased by regular exercise. Exercise schedule should be decided in consultation with a physician.

A must for a better and healthy living are:
o  EAT variety of nutrient-rich foods.
o  Match food intake with physical activity.
o  Eat food in many divided portions in a day.
o  Avoid fried, sweet, salty and spicy foods.
o  Consume adequate water to avoid dehydration.
o  Exercise regularly.
o  Avoid smoking, chewing of tobacco and tobacco products (Khaini, Zarda, Paan masala) and consumption of alcohol.
o  Check regularly for blood sugar, lipids and blood pressure after the age of 30years at least every 6 months.
o  Avoid self medication.
Adopt stress management techniques (Yoga and Meditation).

Thus, a healthy diet and proper health awareness should be ensured for the old and elderly people for a better and good life style. Also to be borne in mind is the fact that "Everyone of us has to reach this phenomenon of nature one day or the other, provided we are lucky enough."