
Thursday 1 May 2014

Junk Food or Healthy Food???

Aside from supplying energy and loads of calories, junk food does not provide you all the vital nutrients.
On the contrary, healthy foods like vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruits are rich sources of nutrients. When it is about essential fats, healthy food again scores better. Junk food such as burgers and sandwich, are loaded with unhealthy fats, which is the key reason why a huge number of people today eating junk food items suffer from obesity and associated ailments.

A healthy and nutrient rich diet will help boost your concentration power. While, junk foods lead to poor concentration. The blood circulation falls because of the substantial accumulation of fats in the inner wall of arteries, a consequence of junk food consumption. As a result you feel dozy and drowsy.
Nuts and lean meat can immensely boost the brain function. Vegetables, whole grains, foods made of whole wheat and fruits all aid in keeping your brain, body and soul healthy. Eating healthy foods also help with positive thinking and energy levels.
When it is about Healthy food or Junk food???  This fact will clear it all – By eating junk food and consuming loads of sugar you are more apt to feel non-motivated, poorly about yourself and sluggish. On the other hand, by eating healthy food, you are able to focus longer and feel a sense of accomplishment by having good amount of energy though the day.
Eating junk food may provide you the feeling of instant energy; however, most people who eat junk food are ignorant of the fact that their daily consumption results in a deficiency of energy. Conversely, vegetables, lean meat and fruits will not just provide you with nutrients, but will help you build stamina and strength.
 By eating healthy food, which is low in fat like lean meat along with lots of vegetables and fruits, you will be able to have a healthy body and improved physical stamina.
Healthy foods like vegetables (carrots and spinach) and fruits ( oranges and apples) help in boosting immune system and wipe out depression.
In case, you are habitual of eat junk food, cholesterol levels in your body will always be on the higher side. Junk food items contain much higher level of cholesterol as opposed to its healthy counterparts, this result in accumulation of cholesterol in the inner walls of arteries, causing an inimical affect on the heart and liver.
People who eat more berries (particularly strawberries and blueberries) cut their chances to get a heart attack by around 30%. This heart- healthy element can alleviate blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of liver or heart disease.

People, who eat healthy food items, fall sick less often. However, it not at the same case for those who frequent the fast food drive-through outlets. One of the most prominent health issues pertaining to eating junk food is obesity and unless you live under the rock, you must be familiar that obesity is followed by a series of serious diseases. Healthy food helps with concentration for work and school.
Thus, Healthy food makes your brain sharp and makes you stand tall to be strong, whereas junk food just increases your waistlines and make you more prone to diseases. This is why you must eat healthy food in place of junk food.  You are what you eat ….. Feed yourself a healthy and disease-free future.
 Donut – The good I taste, the worse I am
Apple – I am packed with healthy nutrients and I keep the doctor away

Clearly, Healthy food is the winner!

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Healthy food Leicester
